Dynamically Hide/Show or Add/Remove component in react native

In react or react native the way component hide/show or add/remove does not work like in android or iOS. Most of us think there would be the similar stratedgy like

View.hide = true or parentView.addSubView(childView

But the way react native work is completely different. The only way to acheive this kind of functionality is to include your component in your DOM or remove from DOM.


Here in this example I am going set the visibility of text view based on the button click.

The idea behind this task is the create a state variable called state having the initial value set to false  when the button click event happens then it value toggles. Now we will use this state variable during the creation of component.


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refs to Components

After building your component, you may find yourself wanting to “reach out” and invoke methods on component instances returned from render().  This can be achieve from refs  in react based project. Refs are a great way to send a message to a particular child instance in a way that would be inconvenient to do via streaming Reactive props and state.

refs can be  as string attribute or callback method. Here’s how we can use it in both cases.


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