Verify if udid is included in your iOS Distribution profile

Many times we find it difficult to figure out why the IPA installation failed when using ad-hoc installation link.  A possible reason may be your device UDID is not included in the distribution profile.  Here’s how to verify if your UDID is included in iOS Distribution profile.


  • Generate ad-hoc IPA from Xcode.
  • Cd to IPA file.
  • Run Command: unzip <appname>.ipa.   This will extract the content of ipa to Payload folder
  • cd to Payload.
  • cd to <appname>.app
  • open embedded.mobileprovision in TextEditor.
  • Or Run command:  security cms -D -i ./embedded.mobileprovision
  • Look for <key>ProvisionedDevices</key> or  <key> UDID </key>
  • Your device udid must be listed there.