Common Vulnerabilities seen in Most Mobile Application

Use of mobile device and its accessibility is increasing day by day in recent time. Thanks to the technological advancement for this. For the same reason, these devices are now turning into the gateway to leak user’s personal information and confidential credential from hacker all around the world. Devices are often blamed for insecurities, but we mobile devices vulnerabilities are insidious most of the time. So in this article, I will discuss common vulnerabilities in the mobile application that we may be overlooking.

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Getting Started with SQLite3

SQLite is a C library that implements an SQL database engine. It is a Relational Database Management System (or RDBMS). Most of the SQL databases work with the client/server model. Take MySQL for an example. To enter and receive data from a MySQL database you need to send a request to the MySQL server, which on reception will provide you with the appropriate response. Contrary to MySQL, SQLite databases are operated directly from the disk. There is no need to create requests to the server.

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Mobile Application Development Protocol

Mobile application development protocol is a set of rules and procedure that we need to follow before starting the mobile application project, during the project execution and after the project delivery. We are introducing this protocol for following reasons,

  1. To make our work efficient and fast by following standard programming practice.
  2. Easy to collaborate with multiple team member.
  3. Increase readability of code.
  4. Ensure security / privacy in mobile application
  5. Gathering crash report information to resolve bugs in the application before and after production.
  6. Collecting user behaviour within the app that will help for future enhancement planning.

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